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Industrial Chairs

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Product Information

This low back industrial chair from werksitz is built for rugged and tough work conditions. This is our affordable introductory and rugged chair which promotes a healthy, ergonomic sitting posture even under the toughest work conditions The rugged yet sophisticated features of this special production chair enable comfortable posture while seated User-friendly operating elements make it easy for users to individually adapt their chairs to the desired seat positions Other features include viscoelastic PUR integral foam chair seat and backrest, tilt-able seat with thermos-sensitive properties, which enables the foam to adapt perfectly to the users body, for optimum comfort while sitting in any work area and safety gas spring height adjustment system.

Technical Information

Viscoelastic PUR integral Foam chair seat and backrest

Seat Dimensions (Width x Depth) – 440mm x 420mm

Seat Tilt - -14o to +5o • Backrest Dimensions (Width x Depth) – 420mm x 300mm

Backrest Tilt - -34o to +30o

Height adjustment – 470mm to 650mm

Hard Plastic Five-star base (Ø 655mm), with dual castors (Ø 65mm)

Manufactured according to DIN-68877 Occupational Health and Safety standards

2 years’ warranty

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